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NWPC - Newsletter about NTR-System 2022-11

NWPC - Newsletter about NTR-System 2022-11

‍Nordic Wood Preservation Council, NWPC

NWPC Newsletter

NTR Conference 2022, Oslo

NTR Conference 2022 starts next week

Next week NWPC will have the pleasure open the NTR Conference for the first time in a long time.

The conference is fully booked and we have a interesting program.

Please find the program page and list of attendees. 

This is also the page were you will find updates and after a while all presentations in PDF-files.





Ongoing revision of NTR system

The NWPC board of directors has decided to revise the NTR documents in its mission to continuously improve the competitiveness and quality of durable-treated wood.


The NTR documents will be complemented with NTR Contracts to specify the business relations and administrative instructions for the different stakeholders to the NTR System and the NWPC. There will be a specific contract between NWPC and the Control bodies, the preservative manufacturers, the National associations, and NTR licenced wood producers.


Mats Westin appointed as new Chair to CEN/TC 38

The new CEN/TC 38 Secretariate secretary Ms Lina Nordfors announced that Mats Westin was elected to be new Chair of the TC38 "Durability of wood and derived materials".

NWPC is one of the financers of the TC38 secretariate that SIS, Swedish Institute for Standards holds since October 2022.

Read more about CEN/TC 38

Reallocation of CEN/TC 38 secretariat to SIS

SIS, Swedish Institute for Standards, has applied for the Secretariat of
CEN/TC 38 Durability of wood and wood-based products. SIS was
approved in a CEN Technical Board decision 9 August 2022.
The change of secretariat will be on 12 October 2022.
Lina Nordfors will be TC Secretary and Linda Mellgren will be
Secretary support.
Mats Westin is the candidate for the role as Chairperson.
Read more about CEN/TC 38

Resolution regarding change of QCB

The NWPC board has decided to give specific advice regarding how and when it is allowed to change Quality Control Body (QCB).

The NTR documents were written in a time when third party control was a national monopoly. At that time there was one control body per country. The EU common market changed this and now NWPC accepts free movement of the QCB without national restrictions.

To maintain quality of the NTR system and fair and correct conditions for QCB to operate the NWPC has resolved for new requirements that ...





The newsletter is published by NWPC‍ and is part of, 

Publisher is MD Fredrik Westin.


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