Statistics Reporting

Reporting of wood production volumes

NWPC is collecting production volumes for NTR-certified companies, as a part of the NTR wood durability quality system.

For the certified companies under the NTR it is mandatory to report all preservative treated production.

Terms and condition

NWPC board has decided to coordinate statistics for NTR-certified companies using a centralised statistic collection and administration. The purpose is to collect and publish timely and correct market statistics to serve the general public and the industry. Data will be collected on company level. Publication and presentation will be restricted to aggregated data only and avoidance of exposing individual company data.

The reported data is a formal report submitted by the reporting company and is part of the NTR-Certification. For companies outside Norway, Denmark, Finland or Sweden, the reported data will be used for invoicing of the NTR production fee.

Help and instructions

The report module is managed by Microsoft Forms.

If you need to update or correct data in a previous report you will ned to report all data once again. The system will only include one report and it will be the latest one.

Definitions of fields

All volumes in cubic meters, m3 related to the full year stated in the report header.

Data handling policy

Data handling policy Nordic Wood Preservation Council

NWPC collects market data for aggregation and analysis. We guarantee a confidential and safe handling of any company specific or individual data. Information is not available for any person other than assigned staff engaged in the process of collection, quality assurance and analysis of the data unless this is separately agreed upon.

For those who wish, we offer the possibility to sign a Non disclosure agreement where the above commitments are formalized.

NWPC has assigned Tobias Gullberg for this work during 2022.

Use the form that opens in a new window

av | 2024-11-01

© Nordic Wood Preservation Council