Applying for NTR-Certification

In order to be entitled to label your product with the NTR-quality mark several requirements must be met. You can apply for membership in your national wood protection association, or if  there is no such association in your country it is possible to apply directly to NWPC.

The process of becoming a member is described below in accordance with NTR’s quality system. There are different memberships depending on which country you are in and the type of business you run. The description may vary slightly depending on the country in which production takes place.

Manufacturer of wood products

If your business operates industrial wood protection treatment and seeks NTR approval, the following must be achieved:

  • your business uses wood preservatives / or preservation methods that are approved by NTR. See the NWPC Approval list.
  • be connected to a control body approved by NTR, and have fulfilled an initial production control with ongoing supervision and have a valid NTR certificate. There are several Quality Control Body supplying Third party control according to the NTR-documents. See (Certification/Quality Control Bodies)
  • be a member of one of NWPC’s member organizations ( Svenska Träskyddsföreningen, (Kestopuuteollisuus ry, Treindustrien eller Dansk Træbeskyttelse) or if your business is «non-nordic»  be directly affiliated to NWPC:
    • Contact your national member organization for information on terms and conditions for membership, fees and help in getting in touch with NTR’s control body.
    • there is no such association in your country it is possible to apply directly to NWPC.

Wood preservative provider/modification method or wood

If your company manufactures and distributes wood preservatives or a modification method or modified wood and want your product and / or method to be listed as an NTR-approved product and intends to deliver to wood impregnation or wood modification plants that carry out NTR-approved manufacturing with labelling rights, the following must be achieved:

  • the wood preservative must be NTR-approved and included in the list of NTR-approved agents/methods.
  • the supplier is a member of one or more of the Nordic wood protection associations.

From these member organizations, you can get information about the rules and conditions for membership, fees and help with getting in touch with NTR’s rules for funding approval and the NTR-Technician Group.


av | 2021-10-04

© Nordic Wood Preservation Council