NTR was introduced over 50 years ago (1969) as a cooperation between the Nordic countries based on the initiative of the Nordic Ministerial Council. Today it has evolved into a cooperation between the Nordic wood protection trade associations, NWPC. (Dansk Træbeskyttelse, Kestopuuteollisuus, Treindustrien, and Svenska Träskyddsföreningen).
NWPC is a non-profit association registered under the name Nordiska Träskyddsrådet with organisational number 802504-5124.
The Purpose of NWPC
The purpose of NWPC is to promote wood with improved durability as a highly valued and preferred building material through market and sector cooperation and coordination for the commercial benefit of its stakeholders.
The objectives of NWPC
Strengthen the versatile use and competitiveness of durable wood via work with:
- NTR-The wood durability quality system including directives and recommendations
- Quality assurance
- Education to stakeholders
- Standardization related to durable wood and related building standards
- Improve and communicate the sustainable use of wood
Strengthen the reputation and trust of NTR-branded durable wood by means of:
- evidence-based practice: research evidence, practical experience, and industrial best practice
- cooperation, liaison, advocacy, and PR
- Initiating strategic R&D projects
Member Organisations
The following organisations and institutions are currently full members of NWPC
- Dansk TraeBeskyttelse
- Treindustrien i Norge
- Kestopuuteollisuus ry
- Svenska Träskyddsföreningen
NWPC may also approve other similar legal organisations as a member or associated member.
NWPC’s organisation
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Managing Director/ Secretariat
- Technical Group
- Other working groups
The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, the Managing Director/Secretariat, the Technical Group and other working groups are set out in specific Rules of Procedure, which are established by a unanimous decision of the Board of Directors.