The NWPC board has decided to give specific advice regarding how and when it is allowed to change Quality Control Body (QCB).
The NTR documents were written in a time when third party control was a national monopoly. At that time there was one control body per country. The EU common market changed this and now NWPC accepts free movement of the QCB without national restrictions.
To maintain quality of the NTR system and fair and correct conditions for QCB to operate the NWPC has resolved for new requirements that have to be followed to change QCB:
- Change of QCB can be conducted if the last inspection was without remarks and a
- written application to NWPC from the new QCB including information from the old QCB stating that there are no outstanding remarks and
- NWPC accepts transfer in writing
- Change of QCB could be accepted by NWPC if steps are taken to manage outstanding remarks
This information is primarily directed to QCB and failure to comply will be regarded as a breach in the obligations for the QCB according to the NTR documents. Similar procedures will be included in the contracts that is under development.
NWPC Board meeting was held 2022-09-22.
For further information contact general secretary Fredrik Westin.